The world is moving to event-driven architecture. That is also true for the apps we are building, but also the platforms like k8s. They are heavily event-driven when it comes to reacting to new deployment/config or changes in workloads. Yet we still use classical automation with pre-defined workflows. GitOps is the way to go for cloud-native deployments. Its nature is to continuously reconcile the deployment state as specified in the desired state. With this, DevOps engineers have to add artificial event syncs to their pipelines to keep them operational.
The Keptn Lifecycle Controllers main goal is to build a native and deployment-tool agnostic experience for delivering cloud-native applications by standardizing task executions and providing application health checks. This talk should give you an idea of how “pipeline-less” and cloud-native application delivery can be achieved and how the Keptn Lifecycle Controller helps you on this journey.
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