Scrum Agile Project Management

How the Product Manager and the Product Owner Role Are Different

February 21, 2017 0

The notion of product is important in Scrum. Many qualify it as a product development approach rather than a project management framework. The product owner role is responsible that the production of the Scrum team meets the requirements of the customers and deliver value for the organization. This role is often compared to the role of product manager. In his article “Mapping the Product Manager Role to the Product Owner Role”, Sriramasundararajan Rajagopalan discusses if a product manager is the same as a product owner.

Becoming a Product Samurai

February 1, 2017 0

With Agile practices becoming more and more common, the call for Product Leadership has never been louder. Product owners are drowning in feature alignment and internal stakeholder discussions, slowed by technical and organizational complexity, crippled by a risk-averse company culture and focused on internal risks rather than market outcome. Long ago the Samurai learned that Agility in itself is not enough. Leadership comes from an unwavering vision, clear values and relentless exercise of martial practices (kata).

Scrum Product Ownership

October 3, 2016 0

“Garbage in, garbage out” is an old programming concept that is today somewhat similar to the “Building the right product versus building the product right” mantra. In Agile project management approaches like Scrum, the role of the product owner is fundamental to deliver value to the customer. Scrum. The Product Ownership book written by Robert Galen is completely dedicated to this crucial role and aims at presenting approaches, behaviors and attitudes of great product owners.

Product Backlog Refinement Checklist

August 22, 2016 1

Product backlog refinement (or grooming) is an important activity in Scrum projects where user stories are prioritizes, right-sized and estimated. In his book “Agile Reflections”, Robert Galen provides some hints about how to verify that that product backlog grooming has been done successfully and that the right requirements information is available for the next sprint.

Facilitating Product Backlog Refinement

August 15, 2016 0

It can be complicated to involve the whole team to facilitate product backlog refinement and take part in requirements discussions. I would like to suggest a structure of the PBR (product backlog refinement) meeting that will encourage everybody to speak up and share their ideas on functionality.

Are You Really Delivering Customer Value?

July 12, 2016 0

Customer value. Everyone wants to deliver it. Everyone “believes” that they are delivering it. But are you? How do you know? This provocative talk challenges the audience to see their work in a different way and consider adopting value stream management as a means to become a more nimble organization that delivers even greater customer value.

Five Rules for a Minimum Viable Product Strategy

May 2, 2016 1

The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is defined in Wikipedia as “a product which has just enough features to gather validated learning about the product and its continued development.” In this article, Sergiy Andriyenko proposes fives rules to apply successfully a Minimum Viable Product strategy.

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