Scrum Agile Project Management

Quotes on Scrum and Agile Project Management

Adding Business Value with Agile Software Development

January 22, 2025 0

One of the key element of Agile Software Development approaches like Scrum is to emphasize delivering quickly business value over having a long-term rigid plan. In his book “Project Myopia”, Allan Kelly discusses the issue of identifying and delivering value.

Sharing Team Members in Scrum

December 23, 2024 0

We all know that there are three roles in Scrum teams : product owner, scrum master, and the development team. Modern software development can sometimes require a high level of specializations that could be beyond the capabilities of the Scrum team members.

Velocity is a Lagging Indicator

December 3, 2024 0

Velocity is one a key metrics used by Scrum teams to measure the rate at which an Agile team delivers value to the customer. In his book “Escape Velocity – Better Metrics for Agile Teams”, Doc Norton explains why velocity is not the ideal metric for Scrum teams.

Velocity is a Agile Measure of a Complex System

August 1, 2024 0

Velocity is one of the key metrics used by Agile teams to measure the rate at which a team delivers value to the customer. In his book “Escape Velocity – Better Metrics for Agile Teams”, Doc Norton explains why velocity is not the ideal metric for Scrum teams.

A Definition of Done Checklist for Agile Teams

January 23, 2024 1

The Definition of Done (DoD) is a common understanding within the Scrum team on what it takes to make your software ready to be released. In their book “Managing the Unmanageable”, Mickey Mantle and Ron Lichty propose an extensive list of what a Definition of Done should include.

Breaking Silos in Agile Software Development

November 6, 2023 1

Most teams I work with have three distinct roles; BA, Developer, and QA. Most teams I work with have three distinct phases of their work; gather requirements, build, verify. Even on agile teams, these separations exist.

Running Scrum Sprints From Mid-week to Mid-week

July 27, 2023 0

Figure 3 deliberately shows an iteration running mid-week to mid-week. My experience, and the experience of others assisting teams, is that running iterations mid-week to mid-week is more effective than running them Monday to Friday.

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