Scrum Agile Project Management

Meeting Resistance and Moving Forward

February 24, 2020 1

It is “those skeptical people” who are most annoying. They don’t seem to listen to our ideas. They usually start raising objections before we have even finished describing what we are thinking. They have a counterargument for every argument. What’s to be done with “those people”? In this presentation, Linda Rising pulls patterns from the Fearless Change collection plus the latest research in neuroscience to help you in the challenges you face with resistance.

10 Common Mistakes of Product Owners

February 18, 2020 0

A Scrum team cannot deliver value without a good Product Owner. This is for me the most important role and it is not easy to keep an Agile balance between a long term business vision that could lead the team to success and the ability to adapt to change after receiving customer feedback. In this article, Zuzi Šochová shares a list of the most common mistakes made by Product Owners.

Connect Design Sprints and Agile Sprints

February 10, 2020 0

Design Sprints have changed the way businesses create new products and services. But how do they relate to Agile development sprints? And how can the two be connected so that Scrum teams deliver higher quality products in less time?

KeyedIn Projects 7.0 for Agile Portfolio Management Released

February 10, 2020 0

KeyedIn has announced version 7.0 of its top-rated cloud-based project portfolio management (PPM) solution, KeyedIn Projects, that features integrated resourcing for Agile teams and upgraded reporting and analysis capabilities. Delivering key Agile Portfolio Management functionality, KeyedIn Projects 7.0 should enable PMOs to make better and quicker decisions.

The Myths About Scrum & DevOps

February 4, 2020 0

Reducing the time to create usable software with short Scrum sprints is a nice thing, but then how do you deliver it to the users? How can Agile developers who embrace changes work with system people who like stability? To answers these questions, and the DevOps Institute have produced a white paper titled “The Convergence of Scrum and DevOps”.