Scrum Agile Project Management

A Scrum Team Scorecard

November 6, 2012 0

Paul Pazderski proposes in this article a scorecard to assess the level of transformation of a project team into a Scrum team. This card could be filled by an independent observer like an Agile coach to check how the team is adopting Scrum practices like Product Backlog management or Sprint Reviews.

Recreating Scrum with Kanban

November 5, 2012 0

In this blog post, Cory Foy explains how he recreated Scrum using Kanban coupled with a set of Explicit Policies. Kanban has less initial rules than Scrum, but the team decides with explicit policies how he wants to manage things like the frequency of the meetings with the backlog owner. The blog post describes the right set of explicit policies needed in Kanban to recreate Scrum. As Cory Foy says, this is a little bit a silly exercise, but it allows also to think about the implicit set of policies that Scrum proposes.

Moving from Scrum to Kanban

November 1, 2012 1

Many teams who are already using Scrum would like to know what benefits they can get by moving to Kanban. Dropping the Sprint timebox can seem quite scary but on the other hand spending less time planning and estimating seems attractive to many developers. How do you know that you haven’t thrown the baby out with the bathwater?

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