Scrum Agile Project Management

Things Product Managers Should Know About Being a Product Owner

October 30, 2014 0

The product owner is one of the three roles of the Scrum framework for Agile project management. The product owner is responsible for defining and prioritizing the backlog and to convey the product vision to the Scrum team. Some people have compared this role to the traditional product manager position, but the context is different.In her blog post, Ellen Gottesdiener shares nine things that every product manager should know about being an Agile product owner.

Agile Planning With Planning Horizon

October 27, 2014 0

How to reduce the time needed in Agile planning? How to establish commitment of delivery without evaluating all requirement in detail? This presentation provides an introduction to planning horizon statistical method that is being used in Brno engineering center successfully for number of releases.

Are Prejudices Stopping your Agile Efforts?

October 20, 2014 1

Adopting new software development approaches like Agile and Scrum is always a challenge. There is a natural tendency for part of an organization to resist changing and some prejudices exist against Agile, mainly due to a lack of knowledge. This article discusses these misconceptions and provides some tips on how to overcome these prejudices to get Agile adoption on track in your organization.

Agile Architecture: Worse Can Be Better

October 16, 2014 0

This talk provokes you to think about an old question by R. Gabriel “Is Worse Better?”. It demonstrates “how worse can be better” if the focus is on delivering a business value, which is one of the most important software architecture’s property for agile software development.

7 Best Practices for Facilitating Scrum Retrospectives

October 14, 2014 0

Improvement is one of the core principle of the Agile Manifesto that states “At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly”. Retrospectives are a powerful technique to achieve this goal in Scrum and in this blog post, Jonathan Berger proposes seven practices to facilitate retrospectives.

The Life of a Product Owner Proxy

October 9, 2014 0

Being a Product Owner (PO) Proxy is difficult. You are pulled between product managers and engineers, holding the middle ground can be a challenge. Translating technical issue to Product Management and Customer issues to Engineering is a valuable task, but sometimes it can feel like a thankless one too. This presentation shares experiences and thoughts on this challenging but not often coveted role.

Evaluating the ROI of Scrum

October 6, 2014 0

As Scrum is the most popular framework adopted by organizations adopting an Agile approach for project management, many companies are trying to find financial facts that justify its adoption. This article discusses the topic of evaluating the return on investment (ROI) of using Scrum and Agile project management approaches. It suggests some hints about mistakes to avoid and on how to get meaningful results from this activity.